Big thank-you to Thomas Clemmons of Robot Friday  for today’s Guest Strip. We were swamped with two big projects last week and Thomas stepped up and helped us out. Give this guy some support back by going to check out his comic over at and his youtube channel .

So what has been holding us up for the last two weeks? Talk about about a crazy couple of weeks, on top of some new contract work, the Art team was busy working on a storyboard test for Nickelodeon, and both of us were busy putting together a concept pitch for a short. Last week the whole Chickpeas team went up to Nickelodeon and made a pitch  for their shorts program. The pitch went very well, and we’re going to wait to hear back from them sometime in April. Thank you so much for your patience while we took the time to go for these awesome opportunities. We love getting new Chickpeas up and hated to have to make people wait on new strips, but this was something we could afford to pass up. New Chickpeas are coming soon, and if we get anymore guest strips we’ll be putting those up as well.


-The Drastals